Your Independent Source for Zoom News


Z-SPAN connects our affiliates with people and organizations needing help with Zoom Meetings, Webinars, and Events. We’re essentially a referral service that connects potential clients with experienced Zoom producers.

There’s no charge for a referral meeting via Zoom.

Our affiliates have a wide range of experience. Virtually all affiliates will have extensive experience producing Zoom Meetings and Webinars, and most will have experience with the latest Zoom product, Zoom Events, and its companion product, Zoom Sessions.

A few of our affiliates will have experience producing hybrid events, where a team member runs the Zoom session while one or more team members are onsite facilitating the interaction between attendees there and attendees on Zoom.

Z-SPAN vs Zoom’s Professional Services Group

Why choose Z-SPAN? In general, our affiliate’s costs are lower, since most of us are small- to medium-sized businesses with comparatively low overhead. If your event is really large or complex, we’ll probably suggest you consider Zoom’s own services, but for most of you, we’ll be much less expensive while still providing you with a quality event.

Also, we’re easy to deal with. Schedule a meeting and you’ll speak with someone knowledgeable. No sales pitch. Just get to know you and refer you to someone who can help you.