In early 2024, GoodClix launched Z-SPAN as a network of affiliated producers of Zoom Events. While successful on a small scale, it became clear that there were ways to make a better positive impact on the Zoom Events universe of producers.

In January 2025, the decision was made to transform Z-SPAN into a membership-based educational platform. The site is initially in a bit of a shamble, but over the next few weeks there will be a growing collection of educational content and an organizational structure that will provide easy access to text, imagery, and video content.
Several courses are being developed with content that is short and narrowly focused, but on the whole will give you everything you need to get the most out of your Zoom Events/Sessions license. The short-and-focused content elements will provide you with the best way to find the answers to your questions later- without having to retake a large section of boring lectures. This approach will also facilitate keeping the content updated, in the ever-changing fabric of Zoom Events — frustrating as it might be at times, but is the vehicle which has allowed Zoom Events to be responsive to the needs of the license owners and event producers.
Stay tuned for updates!