Choose between a variety of content. Participants are folks that attend a lot of Zoom meetings, and want to get the most out of their Zoom participation.  Hosts are folks that run meetings and webinars for others, but also includes Presenters who are frequently called on to share screens and run the meeting.  Producers are typically folks who organize meetings for others, whether for internal groups or external clents.

Membership Pricing

Monthly / Annual

Limited access to common guides for occasional attendees and new Zoom users.
5 Days for free then $5 / Month
Find yourself in frequent meetings and webinars and need to know what you're doing in Zoom? This is the starter plan for you!
5 Days for free then $10 / Month
If you're mostly running:
5 Days for free then $20 / Month
Everything in Participants & Hosts, plus information and course material for producers of...
Zoom Events
Zoom Sessions